• Description
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Maca (Lepidium Peruvianum Chacon) is a Peruvian root vegetable that looks very much like a turnip or radish. It is grown in the Junin district of the peruvian andes at an altitude of between 4,100 and 4,500 m above sea level, a region of intense sunlight, winds and below freezing temperatures, where no other crops can survive.

Maca is considered to be one the best natural foods due to its excellent and scientifically tested properties.

Health benefits of Maca:
Maca contains high amounts of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, all the essential

amino acids and it contains nearly 60 phytochemicals. The extraordinary health benefits of Maca are due to the way it promotes optimal functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary master glands. Maca contains unique alkaloids that stimulate the master glands, which in turn improves the overall functioning of the endocrine system.

Maca was originally domesticated by the Pumpush people of Junin in Peru, a pre-incan culture, who subsisted on it as their main staple crop. Maca plant was domesticated about 2,000 years ago by the Incas; primitive cultivars of maca have been found in archaeological sites dating back as far as 1,600 B.C.

The plant is grown from seed and root maturation generally occurs within seven months. Its appearance may be described as a shrub with a low-growing, mat-like stem arrangement, small, off­white flowers, and scalloped leaves. The root can be one of several colors (cream, cream-purple, purple or black) and is of comparable shape to a turnip or radish.

Traditionally, native medicine practitioners and herbalists have recommended maca for: 

*  Treating menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and depression, as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy [HRT]

*  Stimulating and regulating the endocrine system

*   Regulating and normalizing menstrual cycles
*  Stimulating fertility in both men and women
*  Supporting the immune system

*  Increasing energy, stamina and endurance, reducing chronic fatigue
*  Enhancing libido, treating impotence

*  Revitalizing seniors, mentally and physically

We are pleased to offer gelatinised maca as well as normal maca powder.  The gelatinised maca is put through a heated extrusion process after harvest and before it is milled. During the gelatinization process, long chains of starches contained in the Maca Root powder are unfolded, increasing the digestibility degree, also known as Gelatinization Index, which, in the case of our product reaches up to a 98+% index. This process concentrates the active ingredients which means you can absorb more of the essential nutrients.

How does Maca Work?

Maca, like Ginseng, is an adaptogen and therefore adapts to your bodies metabolism and particular needs to achieve an overall sense of wellbeing and optimal functioning. Through balancing and optimizing the functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary master glands it also balances and optimizes the functioning of the adrenal glands, the thyroid and the pancreas. Because the levels of oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone are optimized this in turn helps regulate ovarian function and enables the adrenals to produce enough hormones to avoid symptoms during menopause.

Due to this overall affect of maca on the hormonal system and high level of protein it also acts as an effective whole food mucsle building agent.

Maca also remineralizes the body, due to its high mineral content, making up for the lack of minerals in modern diets and conventionally grown fruit and vegetables. Maca has such a high mineral content due to the soils and environment in which it is grown. The cooperative of indigenous maca growers who grow our maca leave the soil fallow for 5 years after each maca crop so that the soils regenerate completely with minerals.

Nutrition Information

Raw and Organic Maca Powder
Serving Size 5g


Per Serve

Per 100g







Fat, total



   - saturated






   - sugars






- Can Sugar free
- Gluten free
- Fair Trade
- Dairy free
- Low GI
- Vegan

Ingredients: Organic Maca Powder


For the ancient Incans and modern day Peruvians, especially in the Junin district of the Andes, maca is a staple food. So you can eat as much as you like, the more you eat the more energy and overall vigour you will experience. Maca is non-toxic, has no dangerous side affects and no withdrawal symptoms. So the quantity you can take really depends on what you want to achieve. This is why we do not put Maca into capsules and why we make it available at an affordable price so that people can consume it in appropriate quantities and experience the full benefit.

To start off with we recommend 1 teaspoon (if you feel a little queazy in the stomach reduce it to 1/2 a teaspoon for several days until your body adjusts to it). Then you can build up to 25g a day or approximately 5 teaspoons.

The only warning we have is that if you have a partner and you are taking lots of maca we recommend that your partner also take maca as it is a potent aphrodisiac - if you are concerned about this then just reduce the amount you are taking.

Serving Suggestions

Maca has a distinctive malt like flavour. Some people like eating it straight as it is by the spoonful. As maca dissolves easily you can mix it into juices, smoothies and other recipes

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