
What a year!

We thank you for your custom, support and presence in our business and our lives during 2024.

We'll be taking a break from the office and clinic to rest and connect with family and friends and we trust you will have the chance to do the same this holiday season.

The clinic (hyperbaric oxygen, ozone sauna and individual sessions) and warehouse will be closed from 5pm Monday 23 December and reopen on Monday 6 January 2025.

You can continue to make orders and we will process orders in the order they come in when we get back on Monday 6 January. We'll be checking emails from time to time but please note that payments may not be processed until Monday 6 January.

We look forward to all to come in 2025 and wish you and your loved ones a safe, happy and healthy summer holiday season!

With love

- the Pure Wellbeing team